July 3

Sing a Song

My Hands

On my head my hands I place.
(Place hands on head)

On my shoulders,
(Place hands on shoulders)

On my face,
(Place hands on face)

On my hips,
(Place hands on hips)

And at my side,
(Drop hands to sides)

Then behind me they will hide,
(Hide hands behind back)

I will hold them up so high,
(Raise hands high above head)

Quickly make my fingers fly,
(Wiggle fingers)

Hold them out in front of me,
(Hands in front of body, arms extended)

Swiftly clap them. One, two, three!
(Clap, clap, clap)


Teddy Bear

Try This

Together, go outside and jump rope or do jumping jacks. Sing songs or rhymes as you jump. Little ones can jump in place.

Read a book

book cover
Never Play Music Right Next to the Zoo by John Lithgow

Here is a book recommendation for today. Check out the picture book collection at your local library, where there are lots of books to choose from! Find nearby libraries.

Explore More

    Jump Rope Rhymes – Here is a giant list of rhymes you can sing while jumping rope.