One Little Pig Went out to Play
One little pig went out to play,
In a huge mud puddle one day.
She found it such enormous fun,
That she called for another little pig to come.
Two little pigs went out to play,
In a huge mud puddle one day.
They found it such enormous fun,
That they called for another little pig to come.
Three little pigs went out to play,
In a huge mud puddle one day.
The mud went whoosh, the mud went splat,
And all of a sudden they all fell flat.
Read a book
Penguins Love Colors by Sarah Aspinall
Here is a book recommendation for today. Check out the picture book collection at your local library, where there are lots of books to choose from! Find nearby libraries.
Try This
Talk about daylight savings time and why we “spring ahead” an hour. Have your child help you reset your clocks.
PBS Kids: Umbrella Dance
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Be a Season Detective
– Talk about the colors found outside each season.