Sing a Song
Lonely Bus Driver
One lonely bus driver all alone and blue
He picked up a passenger and then there were two.
Two people riding, they stopped by a tree
They picked up a passenger, and then there were three.
Three people riding, they stopped by a store
They picked up a passenger, and then there were four.
Four people riding, happy and alive,
They picked up a passenger, and then there were five.
Five people riding open swung the door
Four passengers got off the bus,
The driver’s alone once more.
Read a book
Let’s Count Goats! by Mem Fox
Here is a book recommendation for today. Check out the picture book collection at your local library, where there are lots of books to choose from! Find nearby libraries.
Try This
Hve your child draw a picture of the family members who live with you. Then practice counting the people forward and backward.
Explore More
- Family Tree of Hands – Everyone in the family can have a “hand” in making this family tree.