Sing a Song
If you ever ever ever ever ever
If you ever ever ever meet a whale
You must never never never never never
You must never never never touch its tail;
For if you ever ever ever ever ever
If you ever ever ever touch its tail,
You will never never never never never
You will never never meet another whale.
Read a book
How to Read a Story by Kate Messner
Here is a book recommendation for today. Check out the picture book collection at your local library, where there are lots of books to choose from! Find nearby libraries.
Try This
Read two books to your child before bed. Ask your child about his or her favorite part of each one.
Explore More
- Make a Porcupine – Make a porcupine pet with spiky quills.
- Chicken Little – Listen and read along to this story about a chicken who thinks the sky is falling.