Sing a Song
Slowly, Quickly
Slowly, slowly, very slowly
creeps the garden snail
Slowly, slowly, very slowly
up the garden rail.
(with two fingers, slowly creep up one leg)
Quickly, quickly, very quickly,
runs the little mouse
Quickly, quickly, very quickly
to his little house.
(quickly run fingers around the knees)
Slowly, slowly, very slowly
Creeps the garden turtle
Slowly, slowly, very slowly
Through the garden myrtle.
(slowly creep up other leg with other two fingers.)
Quickly, quickly, very quickly
Quickly runs the little rabbit
Quickly, quickly, very quickly
That’s his everyday habit.
(quickly run fingers around the knees)
Read a book
Lady Pancake & Sir French Toast by Josh Funk
Here is a book recommendation for today. Check out the picture book collection at your local library, where there are lots of books to choose from! Find nearby libraries.
Try This
Spend time together reading books about friends, sharing, or holidays.
Explore More
- A Visit to the Library – This activity booklet has ideas for things to do at the library, and a Library Bingo game to play!
- Mimi’s Ballet Class – Listen and watch this poem about dancing! Follow along with the movement.