Sing A Song
Friend of Mine
Tune: Mary Had a Little Lamb
Will you be a friend of mine,
a friend of mine, a friend of mine?
Will you be a friend of mine and (insert an action) around with me?
(Name) is a friend of mine,
friend of mine, friend of mine,
(Name) is a friend of mine, who (insert same action) around with me.
Read a book
A Friend for Henry by Jenn Bailey
Here is a book recommendation for today. Check out the picture book collection at your local library, where there are lots of books to choose from! Find nearby libraries.
Try This
Help your child make snowflakes by cutting them out of paper. String them together to make a garland to hang in the window, or tape individual snowflakes in the window.
PBS Kids: Many Ways to Say I Love You
Explore More
Sleeping Beauty
– Click the play button to hear this classic story read out loud. -
– Here is another fun paper craft where you can make curly paper!