Sing a Song
Right Hand, Left Hand
Here is a rhyme that also helps with learning coordination!
This is my right hand,
I’ll raise it up high.
(right hand up)
This is my left hand,
I’ll touch the sky.
(left hand up)
Right hand,
(show right palm)
Left hand,
(show left palm)
Roll them around.
(roll hands over and over)
Left hand,
(show palm)
Right hand,
(show palm)
Pound, pound, pound.
(pound fists together)
Read a book
Don’t You Feel Well, Sam? by Amy Hest
Here is a book recommendation for today. Check out the picture book collection at your local library, where there are lots of books to choose from! Find nearby libraries.
Try This
Have your child draw pictures of different vegetables and fruit and save them for tomorrow’s activity!
Explore More
Learn more about fruits and vegetables that you can add to your diet. Find some new ones for variety.