January 24

Sing a Song

You already know that washing your hands is important to be healthy! Here is a song about GERMS!

The G-E-R-M-S Song

Tune: Frere Jacques

Are you coughing?
Are you sneezing?
Cover your mouth,
Cover your mouth.
Germs are always flying,
Germs are always flying.
Wash your hands.
Wash your hands.

Try This

Let your child make his or her own pretend first-aid kit for dramatic play with paper box, cotton balls, Q-tips, popsicle sticks, and cut-up gauze (or toilet paper.)

Read a book

book cover
Get Up and Go! by Nancy Carlson

Here is a book recommendation for today. Check out the picture book collection at your local library, where there are lots of books to choose from! Find nearby libraries.

Explore More

Use these two resources to make a family first aid kit.