Sing a Song
Little Elf (To the tune of If You’re Happy and You Know It)
There’s a little elf that’s sitting on my nose,
There’s a little elf that’s sitting on my nose.
He is sitting on my nose,
Then off away he goes.
Now there’s no little elf on my nose,
There’s a little elf that’s sitting on my knee,
There’s a little elf that’s sitting on my knee.
He is sitting on my knee,
Just watch and he will flee.
Now there’s no little elf on my knee.
There’s a little elf that’s sitting on my head,
There’s a little elf that’s sitting on my head.
He is sitting on my head,
Then away he goes to bed.
Now there’s no little elf on my head.
Try This
You will need scissors, assorted colors or construction paper, markers, and glue or glue stick. First, print out a photo of your child and cut out the face and a little above the hair line. You could make your child have point ears if you really want to make them look ‘elfish.” Cut out a hat shape, a small yellow circle (for the bell), and a brim. For the body, start with a rectangle. Use your imagination with the embellishments to add pockets, belt, etc. For the arms and legs, cut a wide strip the length of the paper. Fold the strip accordion style, then cut the strip in half to get get two long, folded strips. Cut two more strips for the legs. Glue one end on each side of the body, and the other two under the body. Cut two mittens or hands, and glue them on the ends of the arms. Cut out some elf shoes and glue them to the ends of the legs. Cut two brims and glue them to the top of the shoes. Cut out two yellow circles and glue them to the tips of the shoes. You can make an elf for the whole family. Have fun! See for images.
Read a book
It’s Not Time for Sleeping by Lisa Graff
Here is a book recommendation for today. Check out the picture book collection at your local library, where there are lots of books to choose from! Find nearby libraries.
Explore More
- Café Zoom – 20 Elf on the Shelf crafts your family will love.