Sing a Song
Five Little Butterflies
Five little butterflies by the door.
One flew away, then there were four.
Four little butterflies by the tree.
One flew away, then there were three.
Three little butterflies up in the blue.
One flew away, then there were two.
Two little butterflies out in the sun.
One flew away, then there was one.
One little butterfly now all alone.
She was so lonely, she flew home.
Read a book
Don’t Call Me Bear! by Aaron Blabey
Here is a book recommendation for today. Check out the picture book collection at your local library, where there are lots of books to choose from! Find nearby libraries.
Try This
Make a poster together about insects and bugs. Don’t forget to include colorful ones like ladybugs and butterflies.
PBS Kids: Dragonflies
Explore More
- Paper Plate Ladybug Puppet – Use paper plates or cut out a semi-circle of paper to make these easy and fun puppets. Can you make a skit with two ladybugs?
- Make a Bug Hat – Everyone can be a different bug with a nifty bug hat!