Sing a Song
Five Little Ladybugs
Five little ladybugs on our front door, (Hold up five fingers.)
One flew to Isaac, and that left four. (Hold up four fingers.)
Four little ladybugs, oh so wee,
One flew to Dad, and that left three. (Hold up three fingers.)
Three little ladybugs saying "howdy-do,"
One flew to Brian, and that left two. (Hold up two fingers.)
Two little ladybugs snoozing in the sun,
One flew to Sarah, and that left one. (Hold up one finger.)
One little ladybug alone on the door,
It flew to Mom, then there were no more.
(Bend down last finger.)
Substitute names of people in your family for those in the rhyme.
Try This
Help your child write out the numbers from 1 to 10. Use this sheet throughout the month to practice counting.
Read a book
Is 2 a Lot: An Adventure With Numbers by Annie Watson
Here is a book recommendation for today. Check out the picture book collection at your local library, where there are lots of books to choose from! Find nearby libraries.
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