Sing a Song
One Finger, One Thumb
One finger, one thumb keep moving.
One finger, one thumb keep moving.
We all stay merry and bright.
One finger, one thumb, one arm, keep moving.
One finger, one thumb, one arm, keep moving.
We all stay merry and bright.
One finger, one thumb, one arm, one leg, keep moving.
One finger, one thumb, one arm, one leg, keep moving.
We all stay merry and bright.
One finger, one thumb, one arm, one leg, stand up sit down, keep moving.
One finger, one thumb, one arm, one leg, stand up sit down, keep moving.
We all stay merry and bright.
Read a book
One Shoe Two Shoes by Caryl Hart
Here is a book recommendation for today. Check out the picture book collection at your local library, where there are lots of books to choose from! Find nearby libraries.
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How tall are you? With your child, measure each member of your family at the beginning of the month and again at the end. Did they grow?
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