Alphabet Monster
I’m the Alphabet Monster
And nothing tastes better
To the Alphabet Monster
Than eating every letter.
A “j” and an “a”
And a “c” and a “k”
And the million more letters
I munch every day.
I’m hungry now.
What shall I do?
I think I’ll eat
a “y,” an “o,” and a “u”
. . . . . . that means YOU!
Read a book
Waiting for the Biblioburro by Monica Brown
Here is a book recommendation for today. Check out the picture book collection at your local library, where there are lots of books to choose from! Find nearby libraries.
Try This
With your child, look at the pictures in a book and guess what happens. Then read it together to see if you were right.
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Kiz Club Stories
– Listen to these stories online, or print out the story book and color the pages to make your own book for later.